Community Building – The Essence Of Growth In The NFT World

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The Essence Of Growth In The NFT World


Almost everyone in the NFT community has a question regarding the growth in the industry. How can I grow my popularity in NFTs? Is there a way to gain more interest or followers for an NFT project? How to market my artwork for NFT? However, if you look past these charades, you will discover that everything relies on building a community. When people of the same interests, or ambitions, come together, they can achieve unfathomable heights. With such expectations, SEED.Photo became the world’s first NFT hub for photographers that focuses on community building. Let’s learn more about community building and the role it plays in the growth of NFT Arts.


Connecting With Others In The Field


Building a community is a great way of always being in a loop. You will follow the trends and know about your industry the best. Often, you can connect with others with shared ambitions and interests. This can open a new field of opportunities for you. Building connections, networking, and growing your circle is the best part of being in a community. But there’s more to it.



A League Of Prestige


When you have a community like SEED.Photo, you build authentic connections and a well-versed community. The invite-only approach and the review process helps keep unwanted personalities and bots at bay. Hence, you receive the most organic of communities. It also means that everyone you interact with is a genuine person, an artist, or a collector. And that means that the entire community is genuine and authentic. You wouldn’t have to worry about there being fake people with fake IDs and unauthorized access.


Genuine Hub And Marketplace


A community builds trust among its peers. We start to respect each other and acknowledge the work. When that happens, over time, we accumulate points for being genuine or authentic artists. There is a copyright infringement police and other processes at SEED.Photo, but with a holistic community, we wouldn’t have to worry about it. When a genuine artist joins and mints something on SEED, we know that it is going to be of fine quality. Even though we review everything, there’s seldom a chance for infringement. Put yourself in the place of the user if you found a nurturing and thriving community, you wouldn’t want to ruin anything by doing anything frowned upon.



Easy Promotions And Word Of Mouth


When you become a part of the community, you connect with people. There will be various people in the NFT space. They can follow you on Twitter or join a Discord Server. These two are the primary hubs for NFT users. When you build a solid foundation for your artwork or network with others, you build a strong chain of networks. These people could easily spread positive words about your work or the upcoming mint. There can be instances where some popular artists might promote your work for free. All because they like your work or are looking to support you. This organic growth of relationships and mutual promotions leads to better growth opportunities.


Royalties And Revenues


Let’s not overlook a top-notch factor. The ability to earn money or generate higher revenue. A community isn’t just about connecting with people. It is also about inviting new people and helping them throughout their journey. When you invite a friend or a peer, you stand a chance to generate additional revenue in terms of various rewards. Similarly, when you sell your artwork, and other people trade it, you’re looking to get a cut (royalty) for each trade. Thus, you grow your revenue. The more you connect with people, invite them, and help them out, the more you can grow your revenue and this is one of the best aspects of building a community.


Gaining World-Class Recognition


Whenever a community grows, it can turn into a popular group. Think of it like all the guilds we see in the NFT gaming world. There are countless guilds, but some of them are very popular. This growth in popularity brings all new array of perks and benefits. People will recognize you, admire you, and more. Think about it like this in the real-world, what if you become part of the 100 million dollar club? You suddenly have a growth in reputation. That’s the magic of the community.


There are many perks like free marketing, word of mouth, added reputation (prestige), great connections, socialization/networking, generating revenues and more. All these aspects can help you thrive in the NFT world more than any other tool or resource out there.


Shared Learning And Experiences


If we look at more grounded and non-fancy aspects of building a community, then people can help each other out. You wouldn’t want another person to make the same mistakes that you have. Instead, you will try to help them out to the best of your capabilities and ensure that they learn from you. The shared resources, knowledge, experience, and expertise certainly helps people learn better and grow together. That’s why we at SEED.Photo, impose on the word ‘mutually-beneficial community’ or a ‘nurturing community.’ When you plant your seed in our fields, you’re gaining a new presence and recognition. Slowly and stably, the seed grows into a tree with a strong foundation, and that is the objective we share at SEED.Photo.


To Sum It Up


Building a community, networking with people, and connecting with more individuals is the number one method of growing in any spectrum. It is especially important in the NFT World. So, it is pivotal for you to develop social aptitude or build a community together at SEED.Photo. There are many perks like free marketing, word of mouth, added reputation (prestige), great connections, socialization/networking, generating revenues and more. All these aspects can help you thrive in the NFT world more than any other tool or resource out there. So, whether you’re a collector, or a budding artist, pay strong attention to building a community and you will witness phenomenal results.


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